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Amazon CRM Software

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Fulfill your Amazon orders faster, make your customers happy, improve your store’s rankings and know who your best customers are.

Consumers shopping on Amazon have grown to expect timely delivery, easy returns and complete order visibility. Now you can fulfill that promise with ReadyCloud Amazon CRM software. Plug ReadyCloud into your Amazon store to see all your cross-channel orders in one place. Combine it with the Premium ReadyShipper X plugin to get orders shipped to your customers quickly and efficiently, with real-time updates that keep them informed of the order progress, shipping and tracking numbers. Make your Amazon store stand out when you fulfill orders in lightning speed.

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[mk_button dimension=”flat” corner_style=”full_rounded” size=”large” letter_spacing=”2″ url=”/accounts/signup/” align=”center” margin_right=”0″ bg_color=”#f79c34″]START YOUR 14-DAY FREE TRIAL NOW! NO CREDIT CARD INFO NEEDED![/mk_button][mk_padding_divider]
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Consumers shopping on Amazon have grown to expect timely delivery, easy returns and complete order visibility. Now you can fulfill that promise with ReadyCloud Amazon CRM software. Plug ReadyCloud into your Amazon store to see all your cross-channel orders in one place. Combine it with the Premium ReadyShipper X plugin to get orders shipped to your customers quickly and efficiently, with real-time updates that keep them informed of the order progress, shipping and tracking numbers. Make your Amazon store stand out when you fulfill orders in lightning speed.

[mk_padding_divider size=”10″][mk_button dimension=”flat” corner_style=”full_rounded” size=”medium” letter_spacing=”2″ url=”/accounts/signup/” align=”center” margin_right=”0″ bg_color=”#f79c34″]START YOUR 14-DAY FREE TRIAL NOW![/mk_button]


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The Amazon Plugin is FREE in the ReadyCloud App Store

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Improve the way you work with the ReadyCloud Suite. Ship orders up to 4x faster, take advantage of built-in shipping savings, and go home early!

[mk_button dimension=”flat” corner_style=”full_rounded” size=”large” url=”/accounts/signup/” target=”_blank” align=”center” margin_bottom=”0″ margin_right=”0″ bg_color=”#1650a3″]START YOUR 14-DAY FREE TRIAL NOW! NO CREDIT CARD INFO NEEDED![/mk_button][mk_padding_divider size=”60″]
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See All Your Channels From The Dashboard

When you connect your merchant account to the ReadyCloud Suite, you’ll see something truly amazing: ReadyCloud will instantly import all your Amazon orders as well as any orders from your other sales channels (eBay, your website, etc.), and create detailed customer profiles complete with timeline, order and invoice data, shipping and returns information, customer-focused notes, calendar and more.

You’ve never seen your data like this! The integrated dashboard in ReadyCloud Amazon CRM software gives you a complete view of all your cross-channel data, complete with robust reporting, trends, charts, shipping profitability reports, and so much more. Use this data to learn the seasonality of your store and better understand that habits of your customers.

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See All Your Channels From The Dashboard

When you connect your merchant account to the ReadyCloud Suite, you’ll see something truly amazing: ReadyCloud will instantly import all your Amazon orders as well as any orders from your other sales channels (eBay, your website, etc.), and create detailed customer profiles complete with timeline, order and invoice data, shipping and returns information, customer-focused notes, calendar and more.

You’ve never seen your data like this! The integrated dashboard in ReadyCloud Amazon CRM software gives you a complete view of all your cross-channel data, complete with robust reporting, trends, charts, shipping profitability reports, and so much more. Use this data to learn the seasonality of your store and better understand that habits of your customers.

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Order Detail

Order visibility helps you maintain a pledge to your Amazon customers that they’re going to recieve the product they ordered in a timely and efficient manner.

With ReadyCloud’s robust order data, you and your team will have complete visibility into every Amazon order that’s placed, helping you fulfill it accurately and quickly to meet your customers’ expectations.

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Order Detail

Order visibility helps you maintain a pledge to your Amazon customers that they’re going to recieve the product they ordered in a timely and efficient manner. With ReadyCloud’s robust order data, you and your team will have complete visibility into every Amazon order that’s placed, helping you fulfill it accurately and quickly to meet your customers’ expectations.

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ReadyShipper X

Shipping your Amazon orders doesn’t need to be a hassle anymore. ReadyShipper X lets you connect Amazon and your other stores for an all-in-one shipping solution that automates your time consuming tasks and connects you to amazing shipping discounts on USPS Priority Mail.

Who doesn’t want to save money on shipping? With built-in USPS savings you’ll get instant discounts on a variety of USPS shipments, good for packages up to 20-pounds. Watch as the shipping savings add up fast.

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